New little lady

345 sessions
New little lady

Some of our team have recently been out in Romania visiting our lovely dogs for a week. This was always going to be a difficult trip with this current ban in place. We said no more dogs until it has been lifted. But sadly it’s easier said than done.

The situation is as bad as ever with no one rescuing. And shelters full. Winter is only around the corner here and temperatures reach -20c.

Whilst on our way back from feeding strays, a little pup darted out into the road and quickly darted back. We stopped the car and headed into the lay-by we’re we saw him run. Then as we got there more and more puppies started to run out. 5 in total appeared. We just sat on the floor for what felt like forever with tears in our eyes. We just knew there’s noooo way we can take 5 puppies. 

As we sat there a drunk man appeared with a horse and cart. He said there’s a lady a few miles from there that maybe able to help. So we fed the puppies and went on a trip to find her and within an hour or so we found her. She was happy to take the puppies but we had to help her with a few things. On the way back to the puppies we picked up a cat with what looked like a broken leg or pelvis. This rescuer said she will take her on. We arrived back at the puppies and they all came to greet us again from the undergrowth. We couldn’t get this little girl out of our minds. She was the runt and has issues with her back legs. So we spoke to the rescuer and offered to take on this little girl as she needed urgent vet treatment. The other pups were a lot bigger and stronger than her. So we travelled back the remainder of this journey with this absolute cutie pie fast asleep in on the back sleep. She finally felt safe so slept the who hour and a half. We took her straight to the vets. The whole time her little tail wagged as she sat on the vets table. So far parvo test and babesiosis negative. She stayed at the vets overnight and will need more tests and retested. This girl is sooooo lucky